Thursday, January 02, 2014

Some of the movies of 2014 I can't wait to see

I'm looking forward to a few movies that will be releasing this year (2014)!  Have you checked out the post The Huffington post did on "81 Movies to Watch in 2014"?  Here are my selections:

This just looks like there will be fun costumes involved.

I'll be renting this for sure...but, just had to:)  I watch Pretty Little Liars...what can I say?:)
Another renter:)  Looks like it could be funny:)
I saw this trailer when I went to see The Wolf on Wall Street and it looked good.  Really great cast.
This looks FUNNY!  Will probably rent though:)
I can never miss a Muppet movie:)  Perfect for the entire family!
I can't wait to see this and there is also another movie called, Exodus that looks interesting.  But, there wasn't a trailer available yet.
This looks funny:)
I always love movies that have India involved and it's based on a true story:)
Another funny one.
I have to see this!  

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