Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sharing is Caring: New Fabulous Online Boutique

I want to share a new boutique, Imperfect Concepts~the owner has a great eye and has been sharing her finds on facebook for a while and has a variety in what she is going to offer.  I have been following with excitement for the past months and I am excited to share the unveiling of this masterpiece online boutique.  So many dreamy items, you just can't say no!  The items are on trend and great prices.  Get to know the owner, Ms. Natasha Robinson and all of the ideas behind the store, Imperfect Concepts.  

Why did you decide to start your boutique?
Well, ever since I was little I wanted to be my own boss.  I'm not that great at taking orders, but I am pretty darn good at giving them. I used to pay my little sister to do my chores, lol.  So, you can say I started being my own boss at 8 or so. The main reason why I wanted to start my own store though was my LOVE for fashion. I am truly dedicated to the art that is fashion. The store went through several changes from women designer clothing to men fashion to finally my love of vintage clothing and thrifting.

-If you can share, where are your HOT spots to find your items?
Yeah I can share, because people say my job is easy, but trust vintage shopping is hard work. Since I reside in Dallas, I have several vintage, consignment & thrift shops that I frequent; management even knows me by name. 
-St. Vincent De Paul
-Salvation Army (12 in the DFW area)
-Goodwill (20 in the DFW area)
-Dolly Python
-Clotheshorse Anonymous 
Furthermore, I actually have several mentors who are fabulous and well dressed who donate items to me also. Truth is, some of the items come from my very own collection. I feel your clothes and accesories help define who you are. So, if I am not wearing items or it's just collecting dust in my closet, of course I am going to sell it.  Someone else might come to love and treasure that item.

How did you decide the name of your boutique? (Imperfect Concepts)
So, the store was going to be named something completely different, and for some reason leading up to grand opening I was feeling the name didn't equal to one destined for greatness.  So, I was on the phone with a friend and I was telling her how I felt, and she was like just let it marinate and something will come to you... Literally, soon as we got off the phone "imperfect" popped in my head. My mom asked what is the concept of your store again, and that's how I came up with "Imperfect Concepts Resale Boutique!"

What are your fave blogs?
OMG, if my friend Rocquelle heard this question she would be be like chile dont ask her that, she has 50 million she reads daily...LOL, which is very true. I gather inspiration from many sites, but here is a run down of sites I can not live without. I have them bookmarked in my iPhone.

bleed for fashion
she plays dress up
She is 
LA is living in a roller coaster
Digi Fresh
Glossy Game
Nini style
I am Style-ISH
My So Called Life
My little fashion treasury
The Starving Stylist
Who What Where
D magazine blo
Height of Fashion

The list could go on and on, but these are sites where I am constantly and swear by. They are fun to read, and all the owners are very humble and funny. And it's a plus that I have become good friends with several of the site owners... hehe.

What do you look to for inspiration for your boutique and fashion/trend choices?
I have come to realize that designers are not really using models as their muses anymore, but rather are going to the random girl on the street corner or the man walking his dog. Those are also my insipirations to be excat. I love to see what other people are wearing and how they are wearing it. For example, I started wearing spectors/oxfords over 2 years ago because I thought they were cool. Now look at them; they are selling up towards $600 for one pair. Thank God I own 6 already. So, I look at people for my inspiration. I have an eccentric group of friends so that's who is really my inspiration. 

What would be the theme song for your boutique?
WOW a theme song!! I know what music I was listening to all day and all night when I was making the site. That would be Trey Songz albums & mixtapes... LOL but a theme song would be "Gotta Work" by Amerie. The beat and the words give me motivation. It has been played 145 times via my itunes. Highest played song... 

Who would you hope to be your customer....if anyone could buy something from your site (celeb, stylist, music artist...), who would that be and why?
I would say Solange Knowles hands down!!! That is my girl, and I love her sense of style and love for life. Like no matter what she is wearing she has confidence, and some people just don't have that. She mixes high and low price points better than anyone. Her shoe game is the best in the game to me. She makes you think, and that's what I want my customers to do. I want them to be themselves and happy about every fashion purchase from Imperfect Concepts Boutique.

Final thoughts
I really want to thank Fashionalites for being a supporter from the beginning and giving me great advice. The overwhelming support I got from you and many others means the world to me, because I know no one has to believe in my dream like I believe in my dream. So thanks a bunch!!!!

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