Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Fashion Shows on TV...

Another scene is on your t.v....right now, there are a vast selection of fabulous fashion television shows to view...it seems like every day during the week you can catch something fashion related to watch or Tivo...here are a few of my faves...also, if you want to read reviews...check out one of my fave blogs, Style Television.  
Gossip Girl...do I really need to say more?
Rachel Zoe's preview has rerun over and over on Bravo...check it out...it looks like it will be a fun season.
American's Next Top Model seems to be on another level, literally...they have taken it to some other place outside of this universe and I am trying to catch why anyone would add so many costumes---literally...but, we shall see...I already have my favorites...we shall see who sticks with it this season.
How to Look Good Naked, keeps going and is putting a spin on looking beautiful with fashion...I love this show!  
Project Runway---amazing as ever!  I always hear people talking about it like the designers are just ok...I am like, I would like to see you work under this type of stress!  Some of the guest judges have been random...but, it is a show...what do you expect...they have to change things up somehow to keep us talking:) 

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