Sunday, November 25, 2007

Black Friday, Holiday Shopping and More

I remember when Black Friday was the day that I had to work due to the HUGE shopping and Sales after wasn't until recently that I noticed the industry referral to Thanksgiving sales turned into, "Black Friday" by advertisers.  But, now, sales are starting on the weekend before.  Why is it that bargains on the Friday after Thanksgiving start at 4 am till 1pm...what makes the difference?  Are stores hoping that many will miss the best deals and they can make more money off the late comers?  Either way, shopping has started and the stress of ensuring that everyone gets a gift and you don't go broke is here.  Style Diary has a great list of ideas to choose from like
For under $75 search for accessories from online boutiques like or go to stores like the Gap for great knit and leather accessories like knit hats, leather gloves as seen above or knit gloves in great colors.

There are reruns on the Style Network that has a special from the Modern Girl's Guide to Life with great places to find gifts from your local Mall to Target that is worth catching.  Also, Target has some great gift items all over the store!
I recommend:
Alicia Keys CD
Isaac Mizrahi tote from Target for only $33.99

Or go to Fred Flare for fun items like below that no one would expect or find in any Mall:

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