Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Drinks Up

My favorite drink ever is a French Martini and it has Chambord. This year Chambord is hosting a fab new idea called the coat room for the tents at Fashion Week. The lounge is called "The Princes of Chambord."

Here is how to make a french martini:

French Martini

2 oz Vodka

2 oz Chambord

2oz Pineapple Juice Back

a shaker full of ice and add all ingredients.

Shake or stir*. Stain into a martini glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.* I shake because the pineapple juice makes the drink cloudy anyway, and the shaking give the drink a nice light texture because pineapple juice froths nicely. When the Chambord company was creating the French Martini, it might have been more French to include brandy instead of vodka. One of these days I’ll shake one up with brandy and check out whether it works or not. They probably tried it and decided that for mass appeal and the martini moniker, vodka was the proper choice. For now, if you want to put a little more “french” in your French Martini, use Ciroc vodka which is a grape based vodka (sounds like grappa to me). Or you can use the ubiquitous Grey Goose vodka which is of french origin.
Another good cocktail to make with Chambord is simply adding an ounce to a flute of champagne. This is a much nicer cocktail than a Kir Royale, even though a Kir Royale is a great drink also. It's good to mix thing up every once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Hi there, just thought I'd comment on your amazing blog! Can't get enough of it! That drink sounds delicious, especially with the inclusion of pineapple juice! I also love your Karen Walker post down below. Cute stuff! Anyway, keep up the genius work and I'll keep reading!
