Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy New Year/New Year's Resolution and All...a Little Late...But, better late than never

Everyone was talking about their New Year's Resolution and sites were saying what they were going to do with their sites etc...I just couldn't think of what to start for the New Year because I started a little early in December with my exercising:) and all of my clothes are in I will be doing more of a Spring Cleaning when I move into my house in March rather than a New Year's Resolution...but, Style Diary gave some great ideas that I will have to follow for my Spring Cleaning, but everyone else can use for their New Year's Resolution, since it is still January:)lol
The Article is Called Keep, Toss, Reinvent and I think it speaks to all of our closets on a quarterly basis...regardless of trends...we always need to go through and just evaluate what we have...check this article out, believe me, it is worth it...
The Container Store is one of my favorite stores to get lost in creating an organized space for all of my clothes, shoes and accessories...they have great seminars on creating the perfect space for your clothes!

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