Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm EXCITED to share my new Revolve Clothing Boutique

The Genius's at Revolve Clothing have made it possible for fashionista's like myself to share the items they are lusting after and create a boutique that fashionista friends and strangers can browse, shop, and be inspired.  And, I of course had to jump at this opportunity...not only because I get 1% commission if anyone buys something but, because the site seems like so much fun!
Check out exactly what I am LOVING in the 'View My Favorite Items' section.  I'm going to share items I can see being DIYed, that I think are styled really well, great sale deals (of course), great deals: items that look like something I've seen somewhere for more, or just things I think are cute.  ENJOY!  And, let me know if you create a boutique so I can check it out.
And to make it even better, Revolve Clothing offers FREE shipping (2-3 day priority) and returns for ALL purchases!

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